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Humanity & Inclusion is one of the leading organizations working on disability worldwide. We publish a range of reports, factsheets, and briefings on topics related to our work. These include disability, emergencies, explosive weapons, physical rehabilitation, health, inclusion and rights.

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A selection of our most recent reports are available below, displayed in order by their date of publication. Please use the filter tools to refine your search.

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Advocacy briefing - Rehabilitation and health: Why should rehabilitation be integrated into health systems? 05/26/15

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  • International

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Advocacy briefing - Disability: How to Include Everyone in Humanitarian and Development Contexts 05/26/15

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  • International

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Disability in Humanitarian Context (2015) 02/09/15

This report is based on the results of a global consultation carried out in 2015 as a contribution to the World Humanitarian Summit and is intended to better identify the changes needed for a disability-inclusive humanitarian response. A total of 769 responses were collected through 3 online surveys targeting persons with disabilities, disabled people's organizations and humanitarian actors. The responses show that persons with disabilities are strongly impacted when a crisis occurs: 54% of respondents with disabilities state they have experienced a direct physical impact, sometimes causing new impairments. 27% report that they have been psychologically, physically or sexually abused. Increased psychological stress and/or disorientation are other effects of the crisis for 38% of the respondents with disabilities.
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Bombs Under The Rubble: A study of awareness of Explosive Remnants of War among the population of Gaza 01/01/15

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AIDS and disability: Just not good enough (2015) 01/01/15

People with disabilities are living with HIV. This paper explains why they must be included in virus prevention education, provided access to treatments, and rehabilitation. What's more, people living with HIV are not receiving proper rehabilitation care as the virus causes impairments.
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Hidden victims of the Syrian crisis: disabled, injured and older refugees (2014) 12/22/14

Older, disabled, and injured Syrian refugees are being doubly victimized as a result of the Syria conflict, according to a new report by Humanity & Inclusion and HelpAge International. The new data show that these vulnerable individuals, as well as those suffering from chronic diseases, are being left in the shadows of the humanitarian responses.
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The provision of wheeled mobility and positioning devices (2013) 01/01/13

This policy paper describes Humanity & Inclusion's mandate as applied to the provision of wheeled mobility and positioning devices.
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The provision of wheeled mobility and positioning devices: Integrating wheelchair provision into rehabilitation systems: Focus on emergency contexts (2013)  01/01/13

This policy brief provides an introduction to integrating wheeled mobility and positioning device provision into rehabilitation work – with a focus on emergency contexts. Brief can be viewed here, with the full report forthcoming.
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