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Humanity & Inclusion is one of the leading organizations working on disability worldwide. We publish a range of reports, factsheets, and briefings on topics related to our work. These include disability, emergencies, explosive weapons, physical rehabilitation, health, inclusion and rights.

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A selection of our most recent reports are available below, displayed in order by their date of publication. Please use the filter tools to refine your search.

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A Persistent Danger: Unexploded Ordnance in Populated Areas (February 2020) 12/22/20

Whenever a weapon is fired, dropped, launched, or projected, there is always a chance it will not explode and become an unexploded ordnance (UXO). This chance (known as the "failure rate") is highest when a munition's fuse fails due to age, design flaws, or human error during the fusing procedure. This report pulls data and experience from humanitarian demining groups including Humanity & Inclusion, MAG, and Norwegian People's Aid, and supports the drafting of a political declaration on explosive weapons in populated areas.
Download (pdf, 214.99 KB)

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Disability Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Health (2020) 12/22/20

Humanity & Inclusion promotes Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of people with disabilities and vulnerable populations in development and fragile settings.
Download (pdf, 576.82 KB)

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A principled and inclusive response to COVID-19, focused on the most vulnerable 10/09/20

As of now, the response to the COVID-19 crisis has been mainly national. High income countries facing the health crisis on their territory have so far limited consideration for the global impact, especially the impact of the crisis on developing countries with limited resources and fragile health systems.
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Guidance Note #2: Inclusive Governance and the “aftermath” of the Covid-19 pandemic 06/25/20

While the first guidance note by the inclusive governance unit focuses primarily on the moment of the outbreak and emergency responses, this note anticipates to examine conditions of governance after the outbreak and how HI interventions could look like to further mitigate or event prevent negative effects of the outbreak. It is already clear that the long-term socio-economic impacts will affect persons with disabilities disproportionately, so proactivity is necessary as from now. It aims to enable global reflection while respecting that situations differ according to the national context of an HI country of intervention
Download (pdf, 316.35 KB)

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COVID-19 in humanitarian contexts: no excuses to leave persons with disabilities behind! 06/18/20

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Death Sentence to Civilians: The Long-Term Impact of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas in Yemen 05/12/20

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Humanity & Inclusion's DRR Guidance Note on Inclusive Community-Based Preparedness and Response in COVID-19 Context. 04/05/20

The coronavirus outbreak is impacting populations all over the world. As of March 21, 185 Countries, areas or territories have confirmed contamination, some are countries already in crisis due to conflicts, natural disasters, and climate change. The impact on fragile contexts and conflict settings and wider humanitarian systems will be complex. People with disabilities are at an increased risk in the pandemic and women and girls with and without disabilities are also likely to face higher risks of exposure, and violence. Humanity & Inclusion's teams are working to protect the most vulnerable. 
Download (pdf, 246.60 KB)

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Inclusive Education Guidance Notes on COVID-19: Home Support 04/04/20

Humanity & Inclusion's inclusive education team published a new series of briefs that have been developed by the inclusive education sector to support our projects during the COVID-19 crisis, and throughout the recovery phase
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Inclusive Governance Guidance Note #1 on COVID-19  04/03/20

People with disabilities are widely being left out of COVID-19 responses around the world and are facing additional stigma and discrimination when trying to access services. There is a global cry for data collection and advocacy around the inclusion of persons with disabilities. Humanity & Inclusion is committed to the “nothing about us without us” approach which places persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, at the center of the change toward an inclusive COVID-19 response.
Download (pdf, 283.84 KB)

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Inclusive Education Guidance Notes on COVID-19: Digital Learning 04/02/20

Humanity & Inclusion's inclusive education team published a new series of briefs that have been developed by the inclusive education sector to support our projects during the COVID-19 crisis, and throughout the recovery phase
Download (pdf, 976.33 KB)


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