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“The floods destroyed all of our belongings” 11/14/22

HI provides 2000 emergency supply kits to the most vulnerable families affected by flooding in Pakistan.

  • Pakistan

Children with disabilities still excluded from school 11/10/22

As World Children’s Day 2022 approaches on November 20th, HI is calling attention to the high number of children still excluded from school because of a disability.

  • International

Assisting landmine victims 11/04/22

Assisting landmine victims is one of the principal obligations of the Ottawa Treaty. It is also one of HI’s founding principles. 

  • International

HI helps Gatluak Muon improve mobility and wellness 11/04/22

Gatluak Muon struggled with daily activities and felt isolated from his community. Thanks to physical rehabilitation with HI, he is already seeing progress.

  • Ethiopia

The line between periods of peace and violence is increasingly blurred 11/04/22

Perrine Benoist is Armed Violence Reduction Director at HI. She explains the progress of clearance, 25 years after the signature of the Ottawa Treaty against landmines.

  • International

40th Anniversary | Gneip's story: From landmine survivor to policy advocate 10/31/22

In 1982, two doctors working in refugee camps in Thailand started helping survivors of landmine explosions who had been injured fleeing across the heavily mined border. There they met Gniep, a young girl who had lost her leg after stepping on a landmine. Gniep was one of the first children ever supported by Humanity & Inclusion. This is her story.

  • International
  • Cambodia

A wheelchair for Freweyni 10/24/22

HI regional logistics manager, Tilahun Abebe, shares the highlight of his recent visit to Tigray, Ethiopia.

  • Ethiopia

Demining in Chaparral raises new hopes 10/24/22

Since October 2021, HI has been conducting humanitarian demining operations in El Cañón de Las Hermosas in Colombia, allowing communities to regain the use of their land.

  • Colombia

Abdel, victim of a landmine: “Thanks to my prosthesis, my life has changed!” 10/19/22

Abdel was 16 years old when he lost his leg in a landmine explosion. HI has helped him rebuild his life.

  • Yemen

“Weapons more advanced, mutilating and destructive than I’ve ever witnessed” 09/26/22

Gaëlle Smith, HI’s emergency rehabilitation specialist, went to Ukraine to support the local teams in the country. She tells us about her experience.

  • Ukraine

Roger: "The Ottawa Treaty is crucial for our demining operations in Lebanon" 09/26/22

Roger Eid is responsible for HI's demining operations in Lebanon. He explains the importance of demining and how these vital operations are carried out.

  • Lebanon

Land freed of mines, lives freed of fear 09/21/22

Since 2016, Humanity & Inclusion (HI) has been running demining operations in the department of Cauca. Today, the region around the municipality of Inzá is mine-free. The communities are resuming their activities safely.

  • Colombia

Adoption of the international agreement on bombing in populated areas 09/21/22

States are invited on 18 November in Dublin to adopt the international agreement on bombing in populated areas.

  • International

Jolie and Lydia, two refugee sisters supported by HI 09/20/22

Jolie and Lydia’s family fled the DRC and sought refuge in the Kalobeyei camp in Kenya. Jolie and Lydia both have physical and intellectual disabilities and are being supported by Humanity & Inclusion's team.

  • Kenya


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