Liberia (inactive)
Between 2016 and 2018, inclusive education activities in Liberia had resumed after the suspension due to the Ebola outbreak in the fall of 2014. Humanity & Inclusion has ceased its activities since 2018.

A technician at a mobility aid workshop in Monrovia. | © S. Bonnet / HI
Our actions
Since 2008, Humanity & Inclusion had been working to include children with disabilities in the Liberian education system. HI worked with institutional stakeholders to develop inclusive educational policies. In addition, support was provided to the families of children with disabilities and teachers were trained in strategies designed to support their learning.
Humanity & Inclusion has ceased its activities in Liberia since 2018.
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African States against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas
From 27th to 28th November, Handicap International (HI) is organizing a regional conference on the bombing of civilians. The Conference will take place in Maputo, Mozambique and aims to bring together some 20 States, 10 African civil society organizations and international NGOs. The goal is to raise awareness of this vital challenge among African countries and to encourage them to take action on the world stage to protect civilians from the devastating impact of the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

Since 2012, Handicap International has been improving the school enrolment and attendance of 170,000 children with disabilities in nine West African countries through the “Promoting the Full Participation of Children with Disabilities in Education” (APPEHL) project. Sandra Boisseau, who coordinates APPEHL from Dakar, Senegal, explains what the organization is doing to remove obstacles to education for these children.

Sierra Leone: The fight against Ebola goes on
Despite the hopes raised by a sharp drop in the number of contaminations in January, the Ebola virus epidemic is not over yet. Bruno Leclercq, Handicap International’s Field Program Director in Sierra Leone and Liberia, talked to us about the problems still facing the region and the exceptional commitment shown by the people of Sierra Leone.
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