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Humanity & Inclusion is one of the leading organizations working on disability worldwide. We publish a range of reports, factsheets, and briefings on topics related to our work. These include disability, emergencies, explosive weapons, physical rehabilitation, health, inclusion and rights.

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A selection of our most recent reports are available below, displayed in order by their date of publication. Please use the filter tools to refine your search.

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HIV & Disability in West Africa: A Combined Analysis of 4 Studies Conducted in Burkina Faso, Niger, Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde (2019)  12/22/19

(Only available in French) Humanity & Inclusion works to ensure that no one is forgotten. This research paper responds to the call of UNAIDs and ensuring that no one is forgotten in the response to the epidemic. This paper includes four studies which seek to better understand the situation by HIV-related situation of disabled men and women living in West Africa.
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Seeing the invisible: Sexuality-related knowledge, attitudes and behavior of children and youth with disabilities in China (2019) 12/22/19

Young people with disabilities have the same right to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) as their peers without disabilities, but their needs and rights are often overlooked. The findings of this study, which was initiated by UNESCO and Humanity & Inclusion, aims to provide evidence to support decision-making by government agencies, educators, development workers and other relevant stakeholders regarding developing and implementing disability-inclusive SRH and sexuality education policies and program for young people in China.
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Policy Brief: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women and Young Persons with Disabilities in China 01/01/19

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Chapter 19: When Sexuality Meets Disability: Experiences, Attitudes and Practices from China 01/01/19

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Rehabilitation and HIV & AIDS - Factsheet 06/02/17

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  • International

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Rehabilitation and Diabetes - Factsheet 06/02/17

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  • International

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Rehabilitation and Child Health - Factsheet 06/02/17

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  • International

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Rehabilitation Factsheets - Introduction 06/02/17

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Rehabilitation and Maternal Health - Factsheet 06/02/17

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