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Humanity & Inclusion is one of the leading organizations working on disability worldwide. We publish a range of reports, factsheets, and briefings on topics related to our work. These include disability, emergencies, explosive weapons, physical rehabilitation, health, inclusion and rights.

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A selection of our most recent reports are available below, displayed in order by their date of publication. Please use the filter tools to refine your search.

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Leaving No One Behind: Persons with Disabilities in the Syrian Humanitarian Response 03/12/25

In February 2025, Humanity & Inclusion issued an advocacy factsheet, examining the situation for people with disabilities in Syria after years of conflict. People with disabilities are estimated to represent 16 percent of the world’s population. In humanitarian contexts, they comprise a much higher percentage and are among the most marginalized in crisis-affected communities. In disasters, their mortality rate is two to four times higher than that of persons without disabilities. This is particularly evident in Syria, where over a decade of conflict has exacerbated the vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities.
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Explosive Ordnance Contamination in Syria 02/20/25

Extensive contamination by explosive remnants of war (ERW) and unexploded ordnance (UXO) poses a significant threat to the safety of civilians and seriously undermines Syria's recovery efforts. In areas where families are starting to return to their homes and land, this contamination is a real and omnipresent danger. This briefing paper gives an overview of the gravity of the problem and updates the previous brief published by HI in 2024.
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In Senegal, a 14-year-old girl with physical disabilities is in a classroom with other students. ; }}

Beyond Access Ensuring the continuity of education for adolescent girls with disabilities 01/24/25

Observing the International Day of Education, Humanity & Inclusion (HI), with financial support from the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, published a new report on access to education for adolescent girls with disabilities. The report sheds light on the barriers faced by these girls in accessing and continuing their education. Drawing from extensive interviews with young people and their families, it highlights key challenges and opportunities to improve inclusive education.
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Gaza Humanitarian Access Snapshot #8 12/17/24

Humanity & Inclusion joins other INGOs in providing a situational update on the situation in Gaza from November 13 to December 10. , the Israeli military launched a renewed offensive on North Gaza, imposing a siege on Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanoun, and Jabalia, leaving 65,000 - 75,000 people trapped without food, water, electricity, or reliable healthcare. Humanitarian aid has been almost entirely blocked for 60 days, and only three hospitals remain partially operational with restricted access. Constant shelling creates fear, hampers humanitarian planning, and discourages movement to service points, while mass displacement towards Gaza City has further strained resources and complicated aid delivery. The population faces imminent risks of disease, starvation, and violence without urgent relief.
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The Impact of War: Malnourishment and Disability in the Gaza Strip 11/21/24

The conflict in Gaza has led to unprecedented levels of malnutrition, disproportionately impacting vulnerable populations, particularly persons with disabilities. Over 70% of crop fields are destroyed, disrupting Gaza’s food systems. Close to 100% of Gaza’s population lives in poverty. Malnutrition further weakens the immune system, increases infection vulnerability, and reduces muscle strength—issues that exacerbate pre-existing mobility limitations and make recovery more difficult. This dangerous feedback loop endangers the lives of thousands, with malnutrition both worsening and, in many cases, causing disabilities due to its severe physical and cognitive impacts.
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Gaza Humanitarian Access Snapshot #7 11/14/24

Humanity & Inclusion joins other INGOs in providing updates on the situation in Gaza, as forcibly displaced populations face continued bombardment, heavy rains, and health risks. As Israel fails to comply with U.S. humanitarian access demands, there is a strong likelihood that famine is already occurring in northern Gaza, and immediate action is required to address the crisis within days, not weeks.
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GAZA SCORECARD - Israel Fails to Comply with U.S. Humanitarian Access Demands in Gaza 11/13/24

Thirty days ago, the U.S. issued a series of humanitarian demands to Israel. Humanity & Inclusion, alongside seven humanitarian partners, conclude that Israel has failed to comply with U.S. humanitarian demands over the past 30 days – at an enormous human cost for Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
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Inclusive Social and Behavior Change in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights 11/11/24

Social and behavioral determinants, including factors like knowledge, attitudes, policies, motivations, beliefs, social norms, and individual agency, have the potential to either positively or negatively impact an individual's sexual and reproductive health-seeking behaviors, as well as their demand for and access to SRH services.
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Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas (EWIPA), Contamination and Mine Action in Syria 11/05/24

Explosive weapons have been used indiscriminately in Syria. The ordnance from explosive weapons may detonate on impact or lay dormant until initiated. As a result, Syria is heavily contaminated by remnants of explosive weapons. Contamination by explosive ordnance represents not only an immediate physical threat to civilians but also prevents safe access to services or humanitarian aid, endangers civilian movements and their ability to return safely, and poses long-term dangers as explosive remnants of war.
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Cluster Bombs Factsheet 11/04/24

A cluster munition or cluster bomb is a container filled with small explosive bombs called “sub-munitions.” This container may be a shell, rocket, missile, or other device. Dropped from an aircraft or fired from the ground, it opens in the air and releases the sub-munitions. HI is a founding member of the Cluster Munition Coalition. We actively support the Convention on Cluster Munitions and advocate against the transfer and use of these indiscriminate weapons.
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