These photos show three children who are thriving with rehabilitation care and psychosocial support.

Sosan, 13, from Naw Badam
One day, when Sosan and her father were out for a walk, she was hit in the leg by a bullet. Her father rushed her to hospital, but she lost the use of her leg.
Sosan was given rehabilitation sessions to learn to walk again using a walker. She talked to Marzia, a psychologist with Humanity & Inclusion, who helped her cope with the sadness she was feeling. Today, Sosan is back at school.
"Whenever I have any free time, I draw, sew or read. I love reading books in English. After my studies, I want to become an English teacher.”

Asef, 10, from Herat
One day, on their way to school, Asef and his friends approached an unfamiliar object. It was a mine. It exploded, killing his sister and cousins. Asef lost his right leg in the accident. With the support of Humanity & Inclusion, Asef received an artificial limb and crutches. He is now having rehabilitation sessions to learn to walk again.
"Thanks to the help of Dr Hashimi, I can walk again. In the day, I go to the mosque and draw at home. My school is too far away, so I can't go back there yet. But as soon as I’m better, I want to go back to school. Then I can become a doctor myself and help other people.”

Yasamin, 8, from Herat
Yasamin was injured by shelling as her family attempted to flee their village. Strengthening her muscles with physical therapy and using a leg brace, she's able to walk again and has returned to school.