How does it work?
1. Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to Handicap International (d.b.a. Humanity & Inclusion). You may need to note our Tax/EIN number, which is 55-0914744. Please be sure to give your IRA trustee ample time to complete the transaction before the end of the calendar year.
2. Your IRA funds will likely be directly transferred to Humanity & Inclusion to help continue our important work. If your financial institution does not have our wire transfer instructions on file, please feel free to contact us and we will provide the account information. Some donors prefer to send the checks directly. If that applies to you, our address is
8757 Georgia Avenue, Suite 420, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
3. Check that the check is made payable to Humanity & Inclusion (or Handicap International), rather than yourself. Checks made out to IRA owners simply cannot qualify as a qualified charitable deduction.
4. If you choose to make a donation via your IRA, please take a moment to let us know! Sometimes, these wonderful gifts arrive without any information about the donor, and we cannot acknowledge your generosity the way we would like to, and the way you will need us to for the IRS to recognize the donation as you intend.