Present in Pakistan since the 1980s, Humanity & Inclusion delivers inclusive aid to refugees and displaced populations while supporting authorities in the development of rehabilitation services.

Safe play areas for displaced children allow them to express themselves on the trauma they have experienced. | © L. Chancenotte / HI
Our actions
In Pakistan, Humanity & Inclusion implemented development projects to address the needs of Afghan refugees until the late 1990s. HI then helped the population deal with a number of natural disasters, focusing on mitigating the effects of such disasters on people with disabilities.
Today, HI is addressing the needs of displaced people, Afghan refugees and host communities.
HI boosts the role of community-based rehabilitation and club-foot care services, and supports development policies and the commitment of authorities and stakeholders involved in rehabilitation.
HI also provides emergency health responses in refugee camps, referring people to specialist services and expanding the capacity of public health facilities.
Areas of intervention
Latest stories

“The floods destroyed all of our belongings”
HI provides 2000 emergency supply kits to the most vulnerable families affected by flooding in Pakistan.

Pakistan: HI distributes food to families affected by catastrophic flooding
Following catastrophic flooding across Pakistan, Humanity & Inclusion supports the most vulnerable households with provisions of food and emergency supplies.

A third of Pakistan underwater in unprecedented flooding
Pakistan is experiencing its deadliest flooding in over a decade, with over 6.4 million in need of humanitarian aid. Humanity & Inclusion prepares emergency kits to support the most vulnerable families
a life
Pakistan is increasingly and regularly hit by natural disasters. At the same time, the persistence of conflicts in border areas represents a security challenge that is detrimental to local populations.
Despite recent economic growth, Pakistan is still one of the worst performers in South Asia in terms of human development indicators. Pakistan is struggling with high inflation and is hit by economic crises. Areas along Pakistan’s borders have become more vulnerable since the Taliban took power in Afghanistan. International relations are also a persistent issue, particularly concerning the neighboring countries of India and Afghanistan, with which Pakistan has unresolved border disputes that result in military action.
The country has a long history of hosting refugees: approximately 1.4 million registered Afghan refugees reside in host communities in Pakistan. Recently, shortly after the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, 5,000 more Afghan refugees entered Pakistan.
Pakistan is also regularly affected by natural disasters: in 2005, an earthquake displaced 3 million people; and in 2010, more than 20 million people were affected by severe flooding. One-third of the country was under water after catastrophic flooding in 2022.
Despite the fact that Pakistan has signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, very little data is available to determine the extent of disability in Pakistan.
Number of HI staff: 50
Program launch date: 1984
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