Madagascar is one of the world’s poorest countries; it is also one of the most exposed to the effects of climate change. Humanity & Inclusion is working alongside people with disabilities who often live in extremely challenging circumstances.

Madagascar, 2023. Little girls at a school for deaf and/or hard-of-hearing children play during break time. | © Rakotondraparany D. Njara / HI
Our actions
Humanity & Inclusion has been working in Madagascar for more than 30 years. After setting up several orthopedic centers and rehabilitation projects, the program is now facilitating access to healthcare for people with disabilities, promoting their social inclusion and defending their rights.
HI runs various projects, always placing people with disabilities at the center of its activities. The organization is engaged in developing an "education-training" continuum to ensure that children and young people with disabilities have the same opportunities to pursue educational and learning pathways as everyone else.
HI supports the mental health of people in psychosocial distress or who are living with mental health disorders, notably in Madagascar's prisons.
HI contributes to the humanitarian response by working with people experiencing food insecurity. This consists of providing technical support to partners and working towards greater inclusion for people with disabilities.
HI is also building capacity to prepare for and respond to climate hazards through an integrated and inclusive multi-sectoral approach, and supporting families affected by the current drought with food aid and stimulation therapy to prevent disabilities in children suffering from acute and severe malnutrition.
Areas of intervention
Latest stories

In Madagascar, Fifaliana gains self-confidence thanks to her prosthetic leg
Fifaliana has been fitted with a prosthesis as part of HI's Liimba project. She would now like to find a job to continue her journey towards autonomy.

Meet the young girl helping to change perceptions of disability
Norcia is thriving at school thanks to her access to inclusive education. At just 17, she is also an ambassador for HI, helping to promote disability inclusion in Madagascar.
a life
Madagascar remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with 81% of the population still living below the internationally recognized poverty line of $1.90/day.
It is the fourth poorest country in the world in terms of per capita wealth and is currently facing a situation of food insecurity due to climate change and prolonged drought. 1.64 million people are acutely food insecure and 309,000 children were acutely malnourished in 2022.
The fallout from the conflict in Ukraine, the multiple waves of the COVID-19 pandemic and extreme weather events in 2022 and 2023 have led to a slowdown in growth. Unemployment remains high and the situation of people with disabilities is particularly difficult. They experience significant discrimination in their communities. Marginalized, their economic and social inclusion remains complicated. Mental disorders are particularly taboo on the island.
Number of HI staff: 165
Program opened in: 1987
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