HI launched its first operation in India in 1988, providing technical support to a community-based rehabilitation center in Pondicherry, southern India. After launching an emergency response to the Gujarat earthquake in 2001, the organization developed a more permanent structure in India.
Rukiya was injured in a house fire. She received an artificial limb and physical therapy from HI, and can now walk again. | © D. Van Ophalvens / HI
Our actions
HI has established itself as a disaster risk reduction actor with technical expertise on disability-inclusive processes and tools. Our teams work with state governments, local and international NGOs and organizations of persons with disabilities.
A new project to support civil society is being implemented this year.
Areas of intervention
Latest stories

Cyclone Amphan: HI team is ready to launch an emergency response
Cyclone Amphan is expected to hit India and Bangladesh this Wednesday around 6pm local time and could affect millions of people. Humanity & Inclusion stands ready to help the most vulnerable.

Fayaz, 5: If I grow, will my legs grow too?
Kashmir, India. When Fayaz was 3-years-old, his legs were injured by an explosive shell. One year later, Humanity & Inclusion fitted him with artificial limbs. Back on his feet again, he’s now a budding cricket star.

Inclusive cricket match: “For the first time in my life, I forgot I had a disability”
Baramulla Tigers against the Kupwara Tigers. In early June 2016, Handicap International organized the first ever cricket match to include players with and without disabilities at Handwara degree college, in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. A big success and an opportunity to promote the inclusion of young people with disabilities in society.
a life
India is considered one of the fastest-growing economies if the world. However, it continues to face socio-economic challenges. 21.9% of its population lives below the poverty line.
India is the seventh largest country in the world and the second most populous, with 1.3 billion people (2011 census) spread across this peninsular nation from the foothills of the Himalayas to the tropical south. According to United Nations projections, based on a variety of factors including census data and birth and death rates, India now has a population of 1.4 billion, surpassing China for the first time. The population is expected to reach 1.7 billion by 2050.
There are numerous forms of discrimination and social exclusion prevalent in India, notably against women, people from the lowest casts, of different cultures, and from isolated rural zones. People with disabilities are subject to multiple forms of discrimination and are ill-informed about the available social welfare systems. Women are undervalued and experience injustice, particularly when accessing services and the jobs market.
The country is also highly exposed to natural disasters such as droughts, cyclones, flooding and landslides.
In May 2019, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was re-elected for a second five-year term with a broad mandate. His political campaign focused on job creation and infrastructure investment, while tackling corruption and promoting Hindu nationalism. The ruling coalition is expected to remain in power until the end of its term in 2024.
Number of HI staff members: 6
Date the program opened: 1988
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